
“Velebit is characterised by a large number of habitats (according to the national classification of habitats this number exceeds 40) which is completely understandable given the size and altitudinal segmentation of the mountain. The largest part of Velebit is covered in forest vegetation. In terms of altitudinal segmentation, starting from the coastal area there are thermophilic forests of the order Quercetalia pubescentis with the Oriental hornbeam and hophornbeam. They are followed by thermophilic beech forests (Seslerio-Fagetum), mountain beech forests (Lamio orvalae-Fagetum), mixed beech-fir forests (Omphalodo-Fagetum), sub-alpine beech forests (Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum) and beech scrub. Peaks are covered in mugo pine scrubs (Pinus mugo) and pioneer spruce communities from the Vaccinio-Piceetea class grow on rocks as well as in frost pockets of karst valleys. On wet and acidic habitats there is a sparse forest community, wetland fir forest with quaking grass sedge (Carici brizoidi-Abietatum). There are also sporadic black pine forests (Pinus nigra ssp. nigra).

Even though other habitats cover relatively small areas, they still contain the largest number of species and endemics. Those are the vegetation of forest edges of the alliance Trifolion medii, vegetation of felling sites and fire sites of the alliance Atropion bella-donnae, vegetation of rocks of the alliances Moehringion muscosae and Micromerion croaticae, vegetation of screes of the alliances Peltarion alliaceae, Silenion marginatae and Arabidion careuale. Different types of grasslands are undoubtedly important. The grasslands on lower slopes, i.e. slopes facing the south, belong to the order Scorzonetallia, with the abundance of flora and a large population of the species Pulsatilla grandis, whereas on higher, exposed ridges the grasslands belong to alpine grasslands of the alliances Seslerion juncifoliae and Festucion bosniacae. In valleys, on deeper and acidic soil there are acidophilic grasslands of the alliance Nardion. In places with a longer-lasting snow cover there is the vegetation of “alpine gardens” of the alliance Alno-Adenostylion, with tall, colourful plants (adenostyles ‒ Adenostyles alliariae, alpine blue-sow-thistle – Cicerbita alpina, Austrian leopard's bane ‒ Doricnium austriacum, wolf's-bane – Aconitum lycoctonum).

Small mires (acidophilic and basophilic) are the remains of former larger mires which have disappeared in vegetation succession.”



Šikić, Z. ed. (2007b): Park prirode Velebit. Plan upravljanja. (Velebit Nature Park. Management Plan.), Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Krasno.